We are fortunate to be born and live at an incredible time of technological and scientific advancements. We know its approximate speed, but we do not have the slightest idea of what it will be at the end of our lives. Things that have been considered a science fiction for a long time become a component of our lives day by day.
The idea and prospects of practical Intervention into human nature have caused a great deal of discussions. The most systematic critical argument against transhumanism is dehumanization, a gradual loss of human qualities and social attitudes specific, sexual, social and spiritual self-determination even before practical interference to the body, during reflection on its possibility. Another widely known argument against transhumanism is associated with its definition as “the most dangerous idea in the world”. It is based on the fact that transhumanism is an attempt to begin an endless race for self-improvements with an unattainable prize due to constant competition with other individuals and unpredictable side effects. The effects that can change us and the time we will live in. So we should put a reasonable question “are we ready to enjoy the forbidden fruit again”?